says a new book that refutes the medical profession and pharmaceutical makers regarding the treatment and prevention of heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes.
In an open challenge to conventional medicine, Dr. Gottfried A. Lange, M.D., one of the world's leading advocates for alternative approaches to treating heart disease worldwide, debunks the five most common myths about the causes and treatment of heart disease in his newest book entitled How to Really Prevent and Cure Heart Disease.
The book is now available on, Apple iBooks and Barnes & Noble in ebook format for your tablet or phone, or in softcover.
Dr. Lange’s book is a wake-up call regarding the prevalent medical treatment of chronic diseases and prevention of heart diseases. It cites scientific study after study that show the following:
In a world where cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death and where three of four people diagnosed with cardiovascular disease will die from heart attack or stroke1, Dr. Lange offers well-documented preventative and curative approaches based on his quarter century of practice and research. Since receiving his M.D. from Hamburg University in 1980, Dr. Lange has specialized in natural medicine, cellular nutrition, and in life extension using vitamins and other powerful natural substances. Based on decades of practical experience sifting out what really works, Dr. Lange has spent the past eight years working with and lecturing to health professionals and consumers on the use of advanced vitamin formulas to prevent and cure common "killer" diseases, leading to the publication of his eye-opening new work.
Dr. Lange maps out several well-documented remedies in his new book based on more than 250 scientific medical studies, reports, reviewed journals and his own work in cellular nutrition and detoxification. The natural approaches include specific vitamin and food supplement therapies, diet and exercise designed to specifically target arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The book informs consumers on the proper working and functioning of cells and in particular shows how true healing must begin in the arterial wall itself.
1—World Health Organization. Cardiovascular Diseases. WHO website. Accessed at
I stopped taking the medicine because I prefer the original disease to the side effects.
Dr. Gottfried Lange
Natural Health Solutions for Everyday UseSM
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